Monocular Visual Odometry (Rust)

  • Monocular visual odometry implementation based on blog post
  • The implementation is done is Rust.
  • Used Kitti dataset for experiment.
  • Git Repository

Monovo1 Monovo2

DAC SDC 2022 - 4th Place (UBPercept)

  • DAC System Design Contest 2022 (June 2022) - 4th place [UBPercept] Results


    • Led the team of 7 and contributed towards initial investigation and implementation.
    • Worked in a team to create plan for CNN training and deployment to FPGA (Ultra96V2)
    • Major contribution in automating the deployment and result analysis for fast and efficient experiments.

Cleaner Bot

Cleaner bot path simulation aims to solve a problem statement of path planning for a robot in 2 dimensional to compeltely cover entire available and unknown space. The challenge was to plan the path of robot in unknown space.
JS implementation can be found here

Cleaner bot is a simple implementation of fixed size unknown enviroment exploration algorithm.

BNF and EBNF Grammer Parser

  • Implemented Extended Backus-Naur Form grammer parser from scratch.
  • Following is a sample grammer that can be parsed using this implementation:

    S := ‘Hello’ | ‘Hi’ P | P | ‘bye’
    P := ‘World’ | ‘Everyone’ | ‘[A-Za-z0-9]+ ‘ | ‘a’

  • Developed in Python.
  • Git Repository

Self Dirving Car - using Reinforcement Learning

  • Implementation an Agent to learn to get from start to goal position, given 2D map with road.
  • The Agent is support to follow the Road towards the goal position, and getting the highest reward.
  • Developed in Python, using Pytorch and Kivy for UI.
  • Git Repository